This page is intended to showcase different charts along with the code required to create them. For an introduction to clj-xchart, see the tutorial.
To follow along, you can for example use lein-try and type the following:
$ lein try com.hypirion/clj-xchart
;; Some startup info from the repl
user=> (require '[com.hypirion.clj-xchart :as c])
Line Charts
(def r (java.util.Random. 42))
{"Maxime" {:x (range 10)
:y (mapv #(+ % (* 3 (.nextDouble r)))
(range 10))}
"Tyrone" {:x (range 10)
:y (mapv #(+ 2 % (* 4 (.nextDouble r)))
(range 0 5 0.5))}}
{:title "Longest running distance"
:x-axis {:title "Months (since start)"}
:y-axis {:title "Distance"
:decimal-pattern "##.## km"}
:theme :matlab}))
(import 'java.util.GregorianCalendar)
(defn months [year]
(map (fn [month]
(let [c (GregorianCalendar.)]
(.set c year month 1)
(.getTime c)))
(range 12)))
{"Wins" {:x (months 2015)
:y [0 2 3 3 4 7 7 8 8 7 7 5]
:style {:marker-type :triangle-up
:marker-color :black
:line-color :green}}
"Losses" {:x (months 2015)
:y [3 2 2 0 2 4 3 1 3 4 2 0]
:style {:marker-type :triangle-down
:marker-color :black
:line-color :red}}}
{:title "Wins and Losses in 2015"
:date-pattern "MMM"}))
Error Bars
{"Error bars" {:x (range 0 100 10)
:y [20 30 45 40 60 65 80 75 95 90]
:error-bars [5 8 2 9 3 3 8 3 9 3]}}
{:error-bars-color :match-series}))
{"Error rates" {:x [1 2 3 4 5]
:y [50.0 25.0 16.66 12.5 10.0]
:error-bars [5.0 2.5 1.66 1.25 1.0]
:style {:marker-type :square
:marker-color :red}}}
{:title "Error bar example"
:render-style :scatter
:legend {:position :inside-ne}}))
Logarithmic Scale
(def fib
(list* 0 1
(lazy-seq (map + fib (rest fib)))))
{"fib(x)" {:x (range 1 21)
:y (take 20 (rest fib))}
"2^x" {:x (range 1 21)
:y (map #(Math/pow 2 %) (range 1 21))}}
{:title "Exponential growth"
:y-axis {:logarithmic? true}}))
Area Charts
{"Memory usage" {:x (range 0 10 0.5)
:y [0.0 0.5 2.3 4.5 2.7 4.5 6.7
9.0 9.3 9.5 6.7 7.5 8.8 10.3
9.7 11.4 5.6 4.5 5.6 1.2]
:style {:marker-type :none}}
"Total memory" {:x [-100 100]
:y [12 12]
:style {:render-style :line
:marker-type :none
:line-color :red}}}
{:title "Memory usage"
:render-style :area
:x-axis {:title "Time (min)"
:min 0
:max 10}
:y-axis {:title "Memory (GB)"
:max 15}
:legend {:position :inside-nw}}))
Scatter Charts
(def april-data
[{:temperature 21.76, :income 732.69}
{:temperature 23.19, :income 697.69}
{:temperature 18.82, :income 571.86}
{:temperature 23.03, :income 778.27}
{:temperature 27.74, :income 755.72}
{:temperature 24.01, :income 838.15}
{:temperature 25.21, :income 663.07}
{:temperature 15.77, :income 536.15}
{:temperature 25.51, :income 937.94}
{:temperature 20.84, :income 715.92}
{:temperature 13.52, :income 379.37}
{:temperature 17.32, :income 482.05}
{:temperature 15.31, :income 470.40}
{:temperature 26.17, :income 752.04}])
{"Sales" (c/extract-series
{:x :temperature
:y :income}
"Trend line" {:x [13 28]
:y [408 858]
:style {:render-style :line
:marker-type :none}}}
{:title "Sales for first half of April"
:y-axis {:decimal-pattern "$ #,###.##"}
:x-axis {:decimal-pattern "##.## °C"}
:render-style :scatter}))
Category Charts
{"Bananas" {"Mon" 6, "Tue" 2, "Fri" 3, "Wed" 1, "Thur" 3}
"Apples" {"Tue" 3, "Wed" 5, "Fri" 1, "Mon" 1}
"Pears" {"Thur" 1, "Mon" 3, "Fri" 4, "Wed" 1}}
{:title "Weekly Fruit Sales"
:theme :ggplot2
:x-axis {:order ["Mon" "Tue" "Wed" "Thur" "Fri"]}}))
Stick Charts
{"Easy to find?" {"True" 1329,
"False" 47,
"Mixed bag" 830},
"Active maintainers?" {"True" 1049,
"False" 32,
"Mixed bag" 1015},
"Accurate + good docs?" {"True" 435,
"False" 295,
"Mixed bag" 1463},
"Good quality?" {"True" 1221,
"False" 36,
"Mixed bag" 910}})
{:title "Excerpt from the State of Clojure Survey 2015"
:render-style :stick
:y-axis {:ticks-visible? false}
:x-axis {:label {:rotation 30}}}))
Overlapping Category Chart
(import '(java.awt Color))
(def my-red (Color/getHSBColor 0.0 0.8 0.9))
(def my-darker-red (.darker my-red))
{"A" {:x [14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22]
:y [2.03 7.39 17.20 25.66 24.55
15.05 5.92 1.49 0.24]
:style {:fill-color my-red}}
"B" {:x [14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22]
:y [0.01 0.03 0.67 5.54 16.66
14.41 5.48 1.11 0.06]
:style {:fill-color my-darker-red}}}
{:title "Store sales on Monday"
:overlap? true
:theme :ggplot2
:series-order ["A" "B"]
:y-axis {:ticks-visible? false}
:x-axis {:decimal-pattern "##.00"}}))
Pie Charts
(c/pie-chart {"Spaces" 400
"Tabs" 310
"A mix of both" 2}))
Donut Charts
{":none" 845
":simple" 371
":whitespace" 303
":advanced" 1013}
{:title (str "Which ClojureScript optimization "
"settings do you use?")
:render-style :donut
:annotation-distance 0.82}))
(defn log-spiral-x [a b t]
(* a (Math/exp (* b t)) (Math/cos t)))
(defn log-spiral-y [a b t]
(* a (Math/exp (* b t)) (Math/sin t)))
{"curve" {:x (cons 0 (map #(+ 2 (log-spiral-x -0.2 0.2 %))
(range 10.5 0 -0.1)))
:y (cons 0 (map #(+ 4 (log-spiral-y 0.2 0.2 %))
(range 10.5 0 -0.1)))
:style {:marker-type :none}}}
{:title "Learning Curve for Emacs"
:legend {:visible? false}
:axis {:ticks {:visible? false}}}))
[["Not Pacman" 1/4]
["Pacman" 3/4]]
{:start-angle 225.0
:plot {:background-color :black}
:series [{:color :black} {:color :yellow}]}))